I Manifested Him: My Thoughts

What was the final outcome? Do you think it was worth it?

Roseamond Karel Bugia △
1 min readAug 13, 2017

I know that all of a sudden, I thought the man that I really like is the one that I need, but it turns out that the man that I need has all the qualities that I am seeking. Loving me for who I am, he understands me as much as I understands me. He doesn’t judge my jouney. He’s my best friend. I know that he could stand for everything, and plus, very mature, very hardworking, and believes in God. Well, despite of the age gap, I really don’t care, first and foremost, I don’t need a man whose same age as mine, and plus babysitting. But we’re not talking about what I don’t like, we’re talking about the qualities that I manifested for a guy that I need, and it’s a beautiful thing because you will never know what to expect and then realize it when it just happened.

This manifestation was written by Roseamond Karel Bugia, © 2017

P.S. As a result, we parted ways because it wasn’t aligned with our higher purpose.

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Roseamond Karel Bugia △

A poet and a writer of a mindful, organic, whole food vegan lifestyle, spirituality, esoteric wisdom, and knowledge. 🌎🌟